



Surname Given names Burial date Age Section Grave
JARROLD Iris Mary 16.12.1988 63 years Lawn B 27 Yes
JARROLD Reginald Walter   68 years Lawn B 27 Yes
JARROLD Wayne Raymond   59 years Lawn B 27 Yes
JASKIEWICZ Stephen Henry 21.3.1996 38 years Lawn D 16 Yes
JELLEFF Charles   94 years Wall of Remembrance 6 Yes
JENNER Mrs 2.6.1917   Methodist ** No
JENNER Mrs 17.2.1911   Methodist ** No
JENNINGS David Leslie   80 years Wall of Remembrance 8 Yes
JENNINGS Rosemary   88 years Wall of Remembrance 9 Yes
JENSEN13 E.M. 9.10.1910   Church of England 87 No
JENSEN   1.3.1925   Church of England ** No
JOHANSEN Bendex F. 1894 25 years Methodist 21 Yes
JOHANSEN Mary 27.5.1909 74 years Methodist 21 Yes
JOHN Fred June 2020 91 years Rose Garden 2 3 Yes
JOHN Maisie 2014 80 years Rose Garden 2 4 Yes
JOHNSON Ann Jane 26.4.1903 69 years Church of England 10 Yes
JOHNSON Miss G 28.2.1927   Church of England ** No
JOHNSON Miss Jeanie Ellis 26.2.1904 28 years Church of England 10 Yes
JOHNSON Leslie Thomas 25.5.2022 85 years Lawn F 20 Yes
JONES Alicia Gay 18.2.2005 19 years Lawn D 15 Yes

13 No headstone or marker. Details taken from old handdrawn map


